Collective Worship
We come together daily for a special time to think, reflect and learn during Collective Worship. Our Collective Worship times are responsive to the world around us - the seasons, calendar, global events - and to our own interests and needs as a school community. Collective Worship includes time to listen - to stories, religious texts, sayings and proverbs - to participate - in singing, drama, sharing thoughts and ideas - and to reflect - in quietness, individually, collectively through prayer or a thought for the day.
Collective Worship is intended to be meaningful and relevant for all pupils and staff, for those with a faith background and those with none. It is therefore hoped that few parents will feel that they have to remove their child from Collective Worship, as this breaks the unity of the experience of school.
Parents do have the right to remove their child from Collective Worship. Those wishing to exercise this right should contact the Headteacher. Arrangements for those withdrawn from Collective Worship are held within Year Group/class planning.