Extra-Curricular Clubs
Extra-curricular opportunities
Our curriculum is enhanced by providing extra-curricular opportunities for all and specific further opportunities for those children who will most benefit from these.
Opportunities for all include free-play during playtimes with our adventure play equipment, climbing traverse wall, exploration and adventure area, playtime toys and games and structured activities including skipping and football. On special activity days in school we offer a wide range of other experiences which have recently included karate, non-contact boxing, yoga, archery, and nature art.
For those with particular interests and those children identified who will benefit significantly from additional opportunities, we have a twice-weekly gardening club, after-school visits to Thorpe Marshes and a daily start-of-school sports club.
Children have commented on their enjoyment of these activities, and how the extra things offered in school help them feel positive and motivated with things to do that particularly take their interest.
Clubs and Activities
Staff give freely of their time at lunchtime and after school to provide club activities for our children. Children are invited to join clubs which are open to their year group. We try to offer spaces to as many children as we can, but if there is more demand than space in a club then a waiting list will be kept and further spaces allocated in future where possible.
Clubs on offer recently have included:
- Gardening Club
- Board Games Club
- Musical Theatre
- School Band
- Football
- Basketball
Some of our sporting clubs give opportunities to represent the school as part or the school team. Examples of these sports include football, cricket and korfball. We run very successful sports teams and have a proud record over the years.