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Welcome to

Hillside Avenue

Primary and Nursery School

Everyone will grow to be the best they can be

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At Hillside we believe that the Early Years are critical in children’s development and that a good start in Reception builds a firm basis for future learning, development and independence.

We aim to:

  • Provide a happy, secure, well-ordered and stimulating environment, where children can develop as independent individuals through interaction with familiar adults and other children.
  • Offer a broad and balanced curriculum which extends previous learning and covers the seventeen strands of learning, as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.
  • Ensure that children develop positive attitudes to learning, self-motivation, curiosity, confidence and responsibility.
  • Provide children with first hand learning experiences rooted in purposeful play in which they can become actively engaged, expressing thoughts, ideas and feelings.
  • To develop the whole child socially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, intellectually and aesthetically.