Year 2
Year 2 Autumn
In Year 2 this term we have been thinking about journeys and getting settled into our new year group. We went for a walk around the local area, looking for human and physical features. When we returned to the classroom we drew some super maps of our journeys.
We ended our enquiry with a fantastic home learning exhibition, where the children got to share their hard work with the parents.

What a busy term in Year 2! We have had lots of fun learning about the Great Fire of London. We made our own Pudding Lane and saw how quickly the fire spread! Luckily we had some special visitors from Sprowston fire station to help us put it out.
Year 2 have enjoyed learning about animal habitats as part of their science enquiry. We had great fun during science week where we made bridges, made paper mice fly as well as lifting up paper newts using balloons. We enjoyed working in small groups across both classes to create our woodlands dance.
Year 2 have enjoyed their learning this half term. We have been busy learning our two, five and ten times tables as well as exploring algorithms as part of our computing work. We have loved writing our dragon stories, making our shields and being creative with paint!